Arts & Sciences Resources

Template for Chapeau-a-Bec Hat class
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
A handout for the class on making Chapeau-a-bec. Left Pattern Right Pattern

Building Period-Style Arrows
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
A handout for the class "Target Arrows with Medieval Features for SCA Tournaments or Practice"

Castles in Virginia
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Information on castles and period buildings in Virginia.

Chapel Doors
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Research on Carved Medieval Doors at UVA

2017 Dance Challenge
Creator: Lady Nicolosa d'Isenfir
Challenge for the shire to do all 67 dances in the Isenfir dance booklet. Includes tally sheet.

Dance Set Lists
Creator: Lady Nicolosa d'Isenfir
For every practice we will be distributing dance notes for the dances done that evening. They are a good refresher and/or another way to learn by seeing the dances written.

Demos - Updating SCA Demos fo the 21st century
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Guidance on how to run demos in current times. Published Nov 2023.

Graces Lace
Creator: Mistress Grace Gamble
Instructions for making period lace

Introduction to Arrow Building, PT. 1
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Intructions for making your own arrows for target practice, PT. 1.

Introduction to Arrow Building, PT. 2
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Intructions for making your own arrows for target practice, PT. 2.

Quotes Concerning Scottish Clothing
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Contemporary quotes about Scottish clothing.

Tudor Bonnet
Creator: Lord Mungo Napier
Instructions for making Tudor bonnets (also known as Tudor flat caps).