If you would like to add or update your information listed please contact the webminister.
david AT oakhaven DOT org
Interests: Dance
Awards: Award of Arms (1993), Pearl (2006), Opal (2016)
Interests: European Renaissance Dance, sewing
Awards: Coral Branch (2019), Pearl (2024)
karen AT oakhaven DOT org
Awards: Award of Arms (1988), Opal (2006)
Awards: Opal (2004), Golden Dolphin (2007)
Awards: Award of Arms (2000), Opal (2005), Coral Branch (2006), Golden Dolphin (2008), Undine (2008), Baron's Award of Excellence (Caer Mear 2009)
162 Pilot Mtn Holw, Faber VA
Awards: Award of Arms (1991), Court Baroness (2000), Coral Branch (2011), Pearl (2016)
162 Pilot Mtn Holw, Faber VA
Awards: Award of Arms (2000), Court Baron (2000)
Interests: Fencing, Late 16th century Iberian and English clothing, culture and activities
Awards: Award of Arms (2003), Companion of the Opal (2005), Order of the Willow (Midrealm 2008), Order of the Cavendish Knot (Midrealm 2015), Order of the Bronze Ring (Midrealm 2017), Order of the Evergreen (Midrealm 2018), Silver Nautilus (2020), Coral Branch (2021), White Scarf (2022), Pearl (2023), Order of the Laurel (2023)
Order of Precedence
Interests: Fencing, period engineering, sundials, Elizabethan culture & activities
Awards: Award of Arms (Atenveldt 1978), Aristotelis Descipuli (Ansteorra 1979),Order of the Laurel (Atenveldt 1979), Sable Crane (Ansteorra1982), Companion of l'Académie d'Espée (1993), Companion of the Sea Stag (1993), Award of the Shark's Tooth (1995), Companion of the White Scarf (1996) – Premier, Grant of Arms (2001), King's Award of Excellence (2005), Augmentation of Arms (2010), Masters Atlantia University (2019), Master of Defense (2023)
Awards: Award of Arms (2002), Undine (2004), Opal (2004), Coral Branch (2007), Pharos (2008), Pearl (2013), Order of the Laurel (2017)
Interests: Pretty much any period craft but mainly fiber an especially lace.
Awards: Award of Arms (1991), Companion of the Pearl (1993), Order of the Laurel (1995)
Graces Lace
Awards: Grant of Arms (1994)
Interests: European Renaissance Dance, sewing
Awards: Coral Branch (2021), Opal (2024)
Persona: Scottish Lowland Archer, circa 1497. Lord Mungo's Story
Interests: Archery, arrow making, pilgrims and pilgrimages, holy wells, saints, the Duchy of Burgundy, table-top siege weapons, kilts and Scottish clothing, and all other things Scottish (except haggis)
Awards: Award of Arms (2009), Companion of the King's Missiliers (2011), Companion of the Yew Bow (2013), Order of the Opal (2014), Award of the Fountain (2017), Order of the Coral Branch (2024), Companion of the Golden Dolphin (2024); Fellow of Atlantia University (UA 77), Bachelor of SCA Studies (UA 82), Master of SCA Studies (UA 84)
knschmid AT gmail DOT com
Interests: European Renaissance Dance, rapier/fencing, sewing
Awards: Coral Branch (2007), Pearl (2017), Opal (2021), Augmentation of Arms - Narwhal (2021), Order of the Laurel (2022), Sharks Tooth (2022), Sea Dragon (2024), Golden Dolphin (2024)
Blog and class documentation
Awards: Award of Arms (2002)
Persona: Scottish Lowland Gentlewoman, circa 1497
Interests: Archery, cookery, pilgrims and pilgrimages, and all things Scottish
Awards: Award of Arms (2009), Companion of the King's Missiliers (2014), Companion of the Yew Bow (2019), Bachelor of SCA Studies (UA 79), Fellow of Atlantia University (UA 98), Master of SCA Studies (UA 101), Opal (2021)