Primero Cheat Sheet

Chorus Four of a kind
(e.g., four 6's)
Fluxus Four cards of the same suit
(e.g., 2, 4, A, and 6 of hearts)
Supremus Ace, 6, and 7 of the same suit
(e.g., A, 6, 7 of spades, 3 of diamonds)
Primero One card of each suit
(e.g., 3 of hearts, 5 of diamond, K of spades, 7 of clubs)
Numerus Two or three cards of the same suit
(e.g., Q, 4, 6 of clubs, 4 of spades)
Seven: 21
Six: 18
Ace: 16
Five: 15
Four: 14
Three: 13
Two: 12
Face Cards: 10